Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The goat

I've been very amused by a house up the street for some time. It had been on the market or for rent for quite some time. Someone finally bought it not too long ago and started doing some improvements along with taking out a tree from the garden in the front yard. It's important to say that I live in a neighborhood that is on the outer edge of Buckhead in Atlanta. Certain parts of Buckhead are pretty upscale and fancy. While our neighborhood is not the super fancy part of Buckhead it's still a nice family section of town. Some people have pretty glass globe in their gardens, stones, or statues. Landscaping is taken seriously by some and there are some pretty fancy yards and gardens.

One day I was driving to work and I saw this in the garden of the afore mentioned house:

Yes, that's right. It's a goat. I had no idea that such things were used as garden decoration. It is rather funny. And then I started to notice that it wasn't always in the same place everyday. You see, the goat moves!

(he was a little shy today)

I'm so glad I have picture proof now so that I don't sound crazy. And so it is, the continuing saga of the plastic goat. I wonder where he'll be tomorrow (there was a suitcase blocked by the pillar. If he's going on vacation I hope he has a good time!)


Tammy said...

Gotta love people with delightful sense of fun!! I've heard of the roving Gnomes, but this is a first for the goat. Keep everyone updated!

lifeshighway said...

I love the restless goat. There are days when a goat just doesn't want to face his public. He needs a little goat downtime.

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