I feel like I have an excuse for everything violin related at the moment. Oh I was sick for three days. My fingers got smashed. And now I think I've bruised one of my fingers. It sounds small, but I can tell you from experience it's not a lot of fun. I got halfway through one of my pieces Saturday and started noticing my second finger was not happy when it touched the violin. Currently I'm typing this with one hand while icing the offending finger. I thought it was getting better yesterday and re-scheduled my lesson from today to Tuesday morning. Now, well the stupid finger hurts more now than it did all day yesterday. It's super sensitive every time I touch something or even brush it against anything. I'm tired of making excuses for myself. It has overshadowed my awesome 20 mile bike ride from Sunday, and my first attempt at mile repeats this morning (and you will think I'm crazy for saying I enjoyed them despite how hard they are!). It stinks that this just keeps happening right when things are going really well with my lessons. Yet again I have had to stop playing. Frankly it's just as bad if not worse than not being able to run. I swear I'm not accident prone (although my teacher my argue with that one). So, it looks like I might be canceling my lesson, which stinks! I'll just need to work on getting everything else on the to do list done...
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